Monday, September 04, 2006

what you do for friends

Recently, in the last year or so, several of my friends have taken up stringed instruments. Over the winter, I decided that I hate the flute (what I played in HS) and wanted to learn the mandolin.

Two reasons for this decision: If I ever want to see my friends again I have to learn how to play music all over, and, well, I like the mandolin.

I did try the fiddle once, for a month and decided that maybe I just want to listen to other people play.

Similar things have happened with knitting and drinking. This makes me sound like a conformist really. If I want to see some of my friends I have to go to "sewing night" where anything goes really - it is a drinking club with needles involved or I have to say, "it's time for some pillaging and plundering" i.e. drinking (and knitting) at the bar.

It's Labor Day and I am laboring with knitting. I am making a sweater for a friend for Christmas and just finished the first half and realized that I have knit the last four rows incorrectly, due to my inability to interpret knitting directions. Driving directions I have no problem with, cooking directions (although I ignore them), no problem. Beer making, no problem. But when it comes to knitting, I think I am missing the secret knitting code interpretation gene. This is okay, as it makes me feel less domestic (see blog from a month or so ago). I have decided to try to overlook the mistake vs taking out 600 stitches and make sure I knit the second half the same way.

Random thoughts of the day: check out this site which is from my friend bourbon boy or BB (I prefer not to mention any of my friends by name on this blog to protect their identities - one never knows what can happen on the "interwebs"): this appears to be a newly forming religion and being a bad pagan, I am always interested in new ideas.

Since it is labor day, I feel some obligation to grill since I am not at the beach and if I were at the beach I would still feel the obligation to grill. So, what to grill...? Shrimp. Nah, a New Orleans style BBQ shrimp app and then a steak, with blue cheese melted overtop, or some compound butter made from fresh garden herbs.

"The food of your garden is rich in memories - a kaleidoscope of sunshine, rain, green fields, earth - and a subtle suggestion that all the joyous things of this life are gift." - "Gastonomie sans Argent" (August 1957, Gourmet mag).

That quote represents summer to me and I am thankful for the gift of friends, all of them.

i'm out